Privacy Policy

General Policy

The strictly following the principles of protection of personal data provided for by laws and international conventions and the general rule for the protection of personal data (GDPR) will not engage in any unlawful without the prior approval of your use.

The in no way discloses, publishes, sells, exchanges the personal data and information you have entrusted to us. Exceptionally, your personal information may be disclosed by the company, always in accordance with the procedure provided by law when this is required by a public authority, court, etc.

All information related to your personal information and transactions is secure and confidential.

  1. When you visit to order products, and to ensure the ability to contact you to inform you about our new products, it is likely to be prompted to fill in your information (name, occupation, address, date of birth, etc.). Any personal data you anywhere on the pages and services of this website www.traffictrends.grare intended solely to ensure the operation of the service and may not be used by any third party, without complying with the provisions of law. 2472/97 on the protection of personal data, as applicable each time.
  2. The online store operates in accordance with the applicable national and community legislation and maintain the security of your personal data for as long as you are registered with a service which are deleted after the end of the trading relationship. The personal data you provide in the online shop they are used exclusively for the purpose of support, promotion and execution of the contractual relationship.
  3. The data kept in the file may be communicated to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities at their legitimate request and in accordance with the legal provisions in force at any given time. The Customer has, within the framework of the legislation on telecommunications privacy, the rights of information and objection provided for in Articles 11 to 13 of Law No. 2472/1997.

Personal data protection

We collect and process your personal data only when absolutely necessary. We will never sell, rent, distribute, or disclose in any way your personal data. If you are under 16 years old, you MUST have your parents' consent before using the services of this website.
I'm never going to sell, to rent, distribute, or publish in any way your personal data.
If you are under the age of 16, you MUST have the consent of your parents before you make use of the services of this site.

Site preserves the personal nature of the data and shall not transfer to any third party (natural or legal person) for any reason with the exception of the relevant provisions of the law and to the competent authorities.

Site maintain records of personal data, which the visitor, exclusively for communication purposes.
The visitor can contact the relevant department in order to check for the existence of a personal file, the correction, change or deletion.

Visitors or users of the site who are minors have access to the services of the site only with the consent of the parents or guardians are not required to submit their personal data. In case of submission of such information from minors, and if the event is communicated to the site deletes all the relevant information.

Site and, in particular, the marketing department, it is possible to process part or all of the data you have sent for statistical purposes and to improve the provided services or information.

IP Addresses

The IP address through which The Pc has access to the Internet and then to the site is recorded and used exclusively for the collection of statistical data relating to monitoring the traffic.

Relevant legislation

Along with our internal IT systems, this website has been designed to comply with the laws/regulations regarding the protection of users' personal data:

  • EU Data Protection Directive 1995 (DPD)
  • EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR)

Personal information and why we collect it

This website collects and uses personal information for the following purposes:

Website traffic monitoring

Like most websites, this one uses Google Analytics (GA) to track user activity. We use this data to determine the number of people using our site, to better understand how they find and use our websites, and to see their journey through the site. Although GA records data such as your geographic location, device, internet browser and operating system, none of this information makes you personally known to us. GA also records your computer's IP address, which could be used to identify you, but Google does not provide us with access to this. We consider Google to be a third party data controller which is compliant with the requirements of European law.

Contact forms and email links

Should you choose to contact us using a contact form or an email link, none of the data you provide will be stored by this website or transferred or processed by any third party data processor, as defined below in the section "Our third party data processors". Instead, this data will be sent to us by an email message via the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). Our SMTP servers are protected by TLS (sometimes known as SSL) security protocol, which means that email content is encrypted before it is sent over the internet. Email content is decrypted by our local computers and devices.

About cookies

What are Cookies

The term "cookie" refers to a small data file consisting solely of a series of textual information that the website transfers to the web browser located on your computer's hard drive, either temporarily throughout your visit or sometimes for longer periods, depending on the type of cookie. Cookies perform various functions (for example, they distinguish you from other visitors to the same website or remember certain things about you, such as your preferences) and are used by most websites to improve your experience as their user.

Each cookie is unique to your browser and contains certain anonymous information. A cookie usually contains the name of the domain from which the cookie came, the "lifetime" of the cookie, and a value (usually in the form of a randomly generated unique number).

Cookie Types

The main types of cookies that websites may use are described below

Session Cookies

These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your device's browser only during your visit and are deleted when you close the browser.

Persistent Cookies

These remain in the cookie file of your device's browser even after you close the browser, sometimes for a year or more (the exact retention period depends on the lifetime of each cookie). Persistent cookies are used when the website administrator may need to know who you are for more than one visit (e.g. to remember your username or your preferences regarding website customization).

First-party Cookies

These are cookies that are installed in your browser and/or on the hard drive of your device by the website you are visiting. This involves assigning a unique identifier to you for the purpose of tracking your browsing of the website. Website operators often use first-party cookies to manage visits and for identification purposes.

Third-party Cookies

These are cookies used by third parties, such as social networks, to track your visits to the various websites on which they advertise. The site administrator has no control over these third party cookies.

Cookies on this site and how to manage them

On this website, we use cookies to improve the experience of using the website for its visitors. The functionality of the website will be significantly affected if you disable or do not accept the use of cookies.

Follow information on the cookies of third parties that we use on this site, including how to disable them and the effect of disabling the operation of this site. If you would like more information about how to manage certain types of cookies, including how to control or delete them, please visit the following address: .

Google Analytics Cookies

Google Analytics cookies are analytics/performance tracking cookies that allow us to collect anonymous information about how visitors use our website. These cookies can tell us about how many visitors use the site, the time and duration of access, and also provide information about how visitors navigate to different parts of the site. This information helps us to improve the way our website works. It is anonymous information and does not contain any personal data.

The information collected by Google Analytics cookies about our website is transferred to and stored on Google's servers in accordance with Google's privacy policy.

For more information regarding Google Analytics, please click the

You can disable tracking by Google Analytics by clicking on the

If you disable these cookies, your use of the website will not be counted, nor will it be used in the statistics we collect to improve the services we provide through the website. The functionality of the website will not be affected.

Cookies from social media

Third party social networks may place cookies on your device if you choose to share material from our site with them by clicking on one of the embedded "share" buttons.

Preference Cookies

These cookies "remember" your preferences when you browse our site so that we can recommend the appropriate services based on your needs.

Advertisement Cookies

With advertising cookies, we aim to show you ads relevant to your interests so that we don't bother you with unwanted messages.

About the server of this website

All web traffic (file transfer) between this website and your browser is encrypted and transferred via the HTTPS protocol using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).

Our third party data processors

We use a number of third parties to process personal data for us. These operators have been carefully selected to comply with the legislation referred to in this document.

Data Security

For as long as your personal information stored in our database, we will take all necessary measures to secure them.
We will report any unlawful breach of the database of this website or the database of any third party data processor to any and all parties directly concerned as well as to the authorities within 72 hours of the breach if it is obvious that personal data stored in an identifiable form has been stolen.